I've published the Czech translation of the article on Zdroják.cz.

PHP 7.2 is planned to be released on 30th November 2017 (see the timetable). And it comes with two new security features in the core, several smaller improvements and some language legacy clean-ups. In the article, I will describe what the improvements and changes are. I read the RFCs, discussions on internals and PRs on Github, so you don't have to.

I'll update the article if there are any significant changes in PHP 7.2 until release.

You can try the pre-release version right now. Just download it using the links in the PHP 7.2.0 Release Candidate 1 Released. I've been using it locally for development since the 7.2.0-beta1 without issues.

password_hash function has been available in PHP since 5.5. It was designed to be able to utilize different password hashing algorithms. But back then only PASSWORD_BCRYPT was available.

IMPORTANT: If you are using sha1() or md5() for password hashing, please stop reading immediately and go fix your systems to use password_hash(). I recommend reading Michal's article Upgrading existing password hashes.

PHP 7.2 adds an option to use Argon2i algorithm with PASSWORD_ARGON2I constant:

password_hash('password', PASSWORD_ARGON2I)

Using PASSWORD_BCRYPT is still perfectly valid and safe option. Argon2i is just another option, which may become a default in the future.

Argon2i supports providing custom cost factors (like providing single cost factor to bcrypt):

$options = [
password_hash('password', PASSWORD_ARGON2I, $options);

You should determine appropriate costs for Argon2i by experimenting on the target server (like you do with bcrypt cost).

It is also time to check your password column length! PASSWORD_BCRYPT generates 60 characters long hashes. PASSWORD_ARGON2I hash is 96 characters long. The password_hash documentation recommends columns length of 255 characters to accommodate any future hash (especially when using PASSWORD_DEFAULT as an algorithm):

It is recommended to store the result in a database column that can expand beyond 60 characters (255 characters would be a good choice).

There is a good article about Protecting passwords with Argon2 in PHP 7.2 on Zend Framework blog.

Note: Argon2i is available only if the PHP was compiled with --with-password-argon2 flag. (It is included in Windows binaries available from php.net).

PHP 7.2 comes with cryptography library libsodium in the core. It was previously available through PECL. There is also a polyfill available so you can start using it right now (it even supports PHP 5.2.4!).

I don't know much about the cryptography, but the single most important thing I know is this: Don't invent your own cryptography! (See this StackExchange answer for reasoning.).

So just use the sodium_ functions instead of implementing it by yourself.

I recommend reading two following articles about upcoming improvements in PHP cryptography (both written by Scott Arciszewski, the author of the Libsodium RFC):

  1. PHP 7.2: The First Programming Language to Add Modern Cryptography to its Standard Library

    When version 7.2 releases at the end of the year, PHP will be the first programming language to adopt modern cryptography in its standard library.

  2. It Turns Out, 2017 is the Year of Simply Secure PHP Cryptography (by Scott Arciszewski as well).

Other Interesting Changes

It will be possible to use object as parameter type and as a return type.

<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

function foo(object $definitelyAnObject): object
    return 'another string';

foo('what about some string?');
// TypeError: Argument 1 passed to foo() must be an object, string given, called in...

foo(new \stdClass());
// TypeError: Return value of foo() must be an object, string returned

object becomes a keyword in 7.2, so make sure you are not using it as a name for a class, interface or trait. It was a soft-reserved word since PHP 7.0.

It is useful mainly for libraries (ORMs, DI containers, serializers, and others). But it may help clean up some of your code as well. In our codebase, it will allow us to improve the helper method used in tests:

class TestUtils

     * @param object $object
     * @param string $propertyName
     * @param mixed $value
    public static function setPrivateProperty($object, string $property, $value): void
        if (!is_object($object)) {
            throw new \Exception('An object must be passed');

Will be simplified to this:

class TestUtils
    public static function setPrivateProperty(object $object, string $property, $value): void

With this change, it is possible to omit the parameter type declaration in the child classes. I know that may sound confusing, so let's have a look at the example:

<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

class LibraryClass 
    public function doWork(string $input)


class UserClass extends LibraryClass
    public function doWork($input)


// PHP <7.2.0
// Warning: Declaration of UserClass::doWork($input) should be compatible with LibraryClass::doWork(string $input) in …

// PHP 7.2.0+
// no errors

It would allow libraries to introduce scalar typehints without breaking subclasses created by the library users. But it is rather theoretical possibility because the library cannot do the same for the return types. And when the library is adding parameter typehints, it makes sense to add return types as well.

Omitting type hints in subclasses follows the Liskov substitution principle - LSP because it widens the accepted types. But the subclass cannot omit return typehints, because that would widen the possible return types (and that is LSP violation).

This behaviour was also changed for abstract classes in separate RFC: RFC: Allow abstract function override.

Did you know, that it is possible to count scalar values? Well, it does not really do much counting, it only returns 1 for scalars.


var_dump(count(null)); // int(0)
var_dump(count(0)); // int(1)
var_dump(count(4)); // int(1)
var_dump(count('4')); // int(1)

Since PHP 7.2, it will begin emitting a warning:

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /in/4aIl2 on line 3

I really like this change, because no one writes such code intentionally, but rather as a bug that needs fixing.

I guess that you may find some of those is your codebase as well - have a look at a less obvious example:

<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

class Data
    /** @var string[] */
    private $data;

    public function addOne(string $item)
        if (count($this->data) >= 5) {
            throw new \Exception('too much data');

        $this->data[] = $item;

$data = new Data();

// Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in ...

It will report a warning, because you are counting a null value in the if.

Can be also called "Nikita Popov's language clean-up" :-)

The following will throw a deprecation warning in PHP 7.2 and will be removed later (probably in 8.0). See the RFC for detailed explanation of each one:

  • __autoload() - use spl_autoload_register() instead
  • $php_errormsg - use error_get_last() instead
  • create_function() - use closures instead
  • mbstring.func_overload (ini setting) - use mb_* functions directly
  • (unset) cast - this is not deprecating unset($var) but $foo = (unset) $bar which is equal to $foo = null (yes, strange one)
  • parse_str() without second argument - directly creating variables when parsing query string is not something you should be doing (register_globals anyone?)
  • gmp_random() - use gmp_random_bits() and gmp_random_range() instead
  • each() - use foreach instead (it is more than 10 times faster)
  • assert() with string argument - it is using eval() internally!
  • $errcontext argument of error handler - use debug_backtrace() instead

Smaller changes

Did you know, that get_class() without parameters returns the same value as __CLASS__? I didn't. But the RFC does not change this.


class MyClass
    public function myInfo()
        var_dump(get_class()); // string(7) "MyClass"
        var_dump(__CLASS__); // string(7) "MyClass"

$a = new MyClass();

var_dump(get_class($a)); // string(7) "MyClass"

The RFC deprecates calling it with null as parameter. Consider this example from the RFC. If the item is fetched from the repository and $result is not null, it will print the class name of the fetched object. But if it is null, Foo will be printed.

class Foo

    function bar($repository)
        $result = $repository->find(100);

        echo get_class($result);

// In 7.2: Warning: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, null given in ...

If you configured the PHP extensions before 7.2, you had to use full filename in the .ini file:

On Windows:


On Linux:


That's fine if you are using only one platform. But it gets a bit harder, if you need to write some automation scripts supporting multiple platforms. It was improved in 7.2 and now you can use this both on Linux and Windows:


Legacy syntax is still supported, but it is recommended to use the new one.

This is another step in making PHP safer to use. If you mistype a constant in 7.2, it will throw a warning instead of notice (and will throw an error in PHP 8.0).

Simplest example is this:


// PHP 7.1
// Notice: Use of undefined constant NONEXISTENT_CONSTANT - assumed 'NONEXISTENT_CONSTANT' in …

// PHP 7.2
// Warning: Use of undefined constant NONEXISTENT_CONSTANT - assumed 'NONEXISTENT_CONSTANT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in …

I really like the bug examples in the RFC showing what it's aiming to prevent:

$foo = flase; // typo!
// ...
if ( $foo ) {
   var_dump($foo); // string(5) "flase"


$found = false;
foreach ( $list as $item ) {
   if ( is_null($item) ) {
       contniue; // this statement issues a notice and does nothing
   // lines assuming $item is not null

It has always been possible to use trailing comma after last array item:

$foo = [

It is useful for creating clean diffs in VCS and makes adding new items to the list simple.

This RFC proposed adding an optional trailing comma to all list-like places:

  • Grouped namespaces
  • Function/method arguments (declarations & calls)
  • Interface implementations on a class
  • Trait implementations on a class
  • Class member lists
  • Inheriting variables from the parent scope in anonymous functions

I especially hoped for method arguments declarations and calls. But it did not pass the vote (which needed 2/3 majority, as it is a language change).

Surprisingly, only the "Grouped namespaces" passed:

use Foo\Bar\{ 

// note the comma after "Baz"


PHP 7.2 will contain new security features (sodium, Argon2i), several language improvements (object typehint, type widening) and a variety of minor changes that polish legacy parts of the language.

The RC1 was released on 31st August, so it is now a right time to try it out. If you can't or don't want to use it locally for development just yet, you should at least run your test suite against PHP 7.2 to see if there is anything to be fixed. I think there won't be many compatibility issues in a well-managed codebase.

If you are maintaining an open-source project, you should add 7.2 to TravisCI build matrix to ensure that your users won't encounter any compatibility issues. Or you can require PHP 7.2 in the next major version like Doctrine ORM will.

Thank you, Sara and Remi, and all the contributors for making this PHP release great!

What are you looking forward to most in the PHP 7.2?